SQL Saturday Lima 2022 (#1038)

Event Date: 10 December 2022

This event is: in-person

The capacity limit for this event is 75

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Event Details

SQL Saturday LIMA 2022, is an all-day event that focuses on Data Platform, it is an event that the CEC community (formerly SQL PASS LIMA) performs after 1 year, this is a free event for anyone interested in learning and share knowledge/experiences. This event will have virtual and face-to-face format.

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The event is taking place at:
Microsoft Perú Lima 27 · San Isidro


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Code of Conduct

There is a code of conduct for this event that all attendees are expected to follow. Please report violations to the organizers If you need to report a Code of Conduct violation, please contact the organizers and send a copy to coc@sqlsaturday.com

Data Privacy

This event adheres to the generic data privacy policy.

Please Visit Our Sponsors




There are sponsorship plans available.


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Schedule: Sala Microsoft

Time Title Speaker
0830-0930 Synapse for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations MVP Juan Rafael
0930-1030 Azure SQL Dtabases - opciones de implementación y modelos de compra MVP Alberto De Rossi
1030-1130 Gobierno de datos en Power BI Microsoft Martha Elizabeth Chavez Quispe
1130-1230 Tips de Visualización de Power BI MVP-R Jorge Michael Muchaypiña Gutierrez
1230-1330 SQL Server High Availability and Disaster Recovery
MVP Roberto Fonseca
1500-1600 Impulsando una cultura de datos con microsoft azure Urbano Quispe Flores
1600-1700 MS Dynamics Business Central y Power BI, obteniendo datos Andres Arias
1700-1800 Azure databricks para ingenieros, cree su primera canalización ETL con ADB Tony Trujillo Dávila

Schedule: Sala Virtual

Time Title Speaker
0900-1000 Workloads de búsqueda full-text en bases de datos y documentos con Azure Search MVP Luis Beltran
1000-1100 Dr Rudo SQL presenta: 5 consejos prácticos que todo DBA debería de conocer MVP Jesus Gil
1100-1200 Azure Synapse Link for SQL MVP Nicolas Nakasone
1200-1300 Introduction to SQL Server 2022 MVP Javier Villegas
1500-1600 Azure SQL Managed instance HA-DR Options to ensure business continuity Gonzalo Bissio
1600-1700 Azure Synapse MLflow MVP Eduardo Castro


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The call for speakers is not yet open. It opens on Aug 1.

There is no call for speakers.


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Volunteers are very important to a successful event. Please contact the organizer to volunteer.


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Contact the Organizers

The organizers of this event are:


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Previous Events

You can see a list of previous events for this location here


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Sponsorship Plan

Sponsorship Plan

SQLSaturday LIMA 2022 It will take place at the offices of Microsoft Peru on December 10, 2022.

This year we will have a hybrid event with live sessions and virtual sessions.

Sponsorship Levels

All sponsors will be listed on our SQLSaturday event page and announced to attendees during the event. All sponsorship fees must be paid in advance of the event. Attendees receive a raffle ticket for each sponsor at the Brand Builder or higher level, we encourage sponsors to bring one or more prizes valued at at least $100.


Tags: Lima Peru San Isidro physical 2022 South America

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